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Version: 0.2.1


There are two ways of running Jellyfish:

  • building from source (requires Elixir and native dependencies)
  • using Jellyfish Docker images

At the moment, Jellyfish doesn't provide pre-built binaries.

Building from source

Make sure to have both Elixir and Rust installed. Check the links below for instructions:

Clone the Jellyfish repo

git clone

Install native dependencies

These instructions assume you have Homebrew installed. You can get it here.

brew install srtp libnice clang-format ffmpeg opus pkg-config
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib"
export CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include/"
export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include/"
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib/pkgconfig"

Install elixir dependencies

mix deps.get

Run the server in development

mix phx.server

Create a binary

You can also create Jellyfish binary with:

MIX_ENV=prod mix release

Then follow instructions printed in your terminal.


The difference between running with mix phx.server and generating target binary is that the latter is prepared for running in production so e.g. it includes some Erlang Virtual Machine tweaks. Jellyfish Dockerfile always uses mix release under the hood.

Running with Docker

Docker images are built for production which means that you always need to set a couple of environment variables.

An example docker command running bare Jellyfish HTTP service locally:

docker run -p 8080:8080/tcp -e JF_HOST=localhost:8080 -e JF_SERVER_API_TOKEN=token

Note that in real case scenarios, docker commands depend on peers/components you are going to use. Therefore, we don't present them here but rather in each peer/component's documentation. As an example see WebRTC Peer.

For the full list of Jellyfish Docker images, see this page.


Instead of passing environmental variables manually, you can use the --env-file ./env-file flag, where the env-file is a file containing the variables that the image expects, see example file .env.sample in the Jellyfish repository.

Environment variables

Environment variables are split into two groups:

  • general ones - presented below
  • peer/component-specific - each Peer and Component can expose its own environment variables. They are always listed in a Peer/Component description. See the list of Peers and Components.

Below there are general, Jellyfish environment variables. If you are running Jellyfish in development, you don't need to set any of them.

Required in production:

  • JF_SERVER_API_TOKEN - token for authorizing HTTP requests.
    Defaults to development for development builds.
  • JF_HOST - defines how Jellyfish should be seen from the outside.
    Defaults to JF_IP:JF_PORT.
    It can be in the form of ip:port, domain:port or simply domain. Useful when hosting Jellyfish behind proxy. It is returned e.g. when creating a new room. When running with Docker, JF_IP is set to making the default value of JF_HOST incorrect. Therefore, for Docker, you have to set JF_HOST manually. For running Docker locally, it can simply be localhost:8080.


  • JF_IP - an ip address to run the HTTP server on.
    Defaults to when running from source or using mix release, or for Docker.
  • JF_PORT - port to run the HTTP server on.
    Defaults to 5002 for development builds and 8080 for production builds (mix release or Docker).
  • JF_SECRET_KEY_BASE - used to sign/encrypt tokens generated for Peers. Generated if not provided.
  • JF_CHECK_ORIGIN - defines if Jellyfish will check the origin of incoming requests and socket connection.
    Defaults to true.
    Possible values are true, false or a space-separated list of allowed origins (wildcards are allowed).
    Example: JF_CHECK_ORIGIN=" // //*"
  • JF_OUTPUT_BASE_PATH - a base path where Jellyfish will save its artifacts.
    Defaults to ./jellyfish_output/.
    When running via docker, the directory can be mounted as -v $(pwd)/host_directory:/app/jellyfish_output.
  • JF_METRICS_IP - an IP address to run metrics endpoint on.
    Defaults to when running from source or using mix release, or for Docker.
  • JF_METRICS_PORT - a port to run metrics endpoint on.
    Defaults to 9568.
  • MIX_ENV - defines compilation environment. This variable takes effect only when running from the source. Docker images are always built with MIX_ENV=prod. Possible values are:
    • dev - uses default values for environment variables (default option when running with mix phx.server)
    • prod - requires that you provide values for environment variables
    • test - used in tests


  • JF_DIST_ENABLED - whether to run Jellyfish in a cluster.
    Defaults to false.
  • JF_DIST_NODE_NAME - Node name used in a cluster. It consists of two parts - nodename@hostname. The first part identifies a node on a single machine and can be any string. The second part identifies the host machine and has to be an ip address or FQDN of a machine Jellyfish runs on. If you run a cluster on a single machine or in the same docker network and you don't want to use IP addresses or FQDN as hostnames, you can use short names (see JF_DIST_MODE).
  • JF_DIST_MODE - distribution mode - can be name or sname.
    Defaults to name.
    When using name, your hostname has to be an IP address or FQDN of a machine Jellyfish runs on. When using sname, your hostname can be any string. See our docker-compose.yaml, which we use in our integration tests for an example.
  • JF_DIST_COOKIE - used to group Jellyfishes in a cluster.
    Defaults to jellyfish_cookie.
    Use different cookies to create multiple clusters on the same machine.
    Important: cookie does not provide any cryptographic security. Its only purpose is to prevent a node from connecting to a cluster with which it is not intended to communicate.
  • JF_DIST_NODES - space-separated list of other Jellyfishes to connect to.
    Defaults to "".
    Example: JF_DIST_NODES="jellyfish1@ jellyfish2@".
    This list can also include ourselves so that you can pass the same value to every Jellyfish. Note: Jellyfish connection to other Jellyfish is transitive meaning that when you connect to one Jellyfish you also connect to all other Jellyfishes this one was connected to.
  • JF_DIST_MIN_PORT- minimal port used by Jellyfish when forming a cluster (connecting to other Jellyfishes).
    Defaults to 9000 when running with Docker.
    Only available when running with Docker or mix release.
  • JF_DIST_MAX_PORT- maximal port used by Jellyfish when forming a cluster (connecting to other Jellyfishes).
    Defaults to 9000 when running with Docker.
    Only available when running with Docker or mix release.

You can use a single port to form a cluster, even if a cluster consists of more than two Jellyfishes.


Besides ports specified using JF_DIST_MIN_PORT and JF_DIST_MAX_PORT, Jellyfish also uses one more service called EPMD that runs on port 4369. This port has to be explicitly exported when running with Docker. Read more in the Cluster section.