Events emitted by the WebRTCEndpoint instance.


  • WebRTCEndpointEvents


bandwidthEstimationChanged: ((estimation: bigint) => void)

Type declaration

    • (estimation: bigint): void
    • Emitted every time the server estimates client's bandwidth.


      • estimation: bigint

        client's available incoming bitrate estimated by the server. It's measured in bits per second.

      Returns void

connected: ((endpointId: string, otherEndpoints: Endpoint[]) => void)

Type declaration

    • (endpointId: string, otherEndpoints: Endpoint[]): void
    • Emitted when endpoint of this WebRTCEndpoint instance is ready. Triggered by connect


      • endpointId: string
      • otherEndpoints: Endpoint[]

      Returns void

connectionError: ((message: string) => void)

Type declaration

    • (message: string): void
    • Emitted in case of errors related to multimedia session e.g. ICE connection.


      • message: string

      Returns void

disconnected: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Emitted when endpoint of this WebRTCEndpoint instance was removed.

      Returns void

endpointAdded: ((endpoint: Endpoint) => void)

Type declaration

    • (endpoint: Endpoint): void
    • Emitted each time new endpoint is added to the room.


      Returns void

endpointRemoved: ((endpoint: Endpoint) => void)

Type declaration

    • (endpoint: Endpoint): void
    • Emitted each time endpoint is removed, emitted only for other endpoints.


      Returns void

endpointUpdated: ((endpoint: Endpoint) => void)

Type declaration

    • (endpoint: Endpoint): void
    • Emitted each time endpoint has its metadata updated.


      Returns void

sendMediaEvent: ((mediaEvent: string) => void)

Type declaration

    • (mediaEvent: string): void
    • Emitted each time WebRTCEndpoint need to send some data to the server.


      • mediaEvent: string

      Returns void

trackAdded: ((ctx: TrackContext) => void)

Type declaration

    • (ctx: TrackContext): void
    • Emitted each time the endpoint which was already in the room, adds new track. Fields track and stream will be set to null. These fields will be set to non-null value in trackReady


      Returns void

trackReady: ((ctx: TrackContext) => void)

Type declaration

    • (ctx: TrackContext): void
    • Emitted when data in a new track arrives.

      This event is always emitted after trackAdded. It informs the user that data related to the given track arrives and can be played or displayed.


      Returns void

trackRemoved: ((ctx: TrackContext) => void)

Type declaration

    • (ctx: TrackContext): void
    • Emitted when some track will no longer be sent.

      It will also be emitted before endpointRemoved for each track of this endpoint.


      Returns void

trackUpdated: ((ctx: TrackContext) => void)

Type declaration

    • (ctx: TrackContext): void
    • Emitted each time endpoint has its track metadata updated.


      Returns void

tracksPriorityChanged: ((enabledTracks: TrackContext[], disabledTracks: TrackContext[]) => void)

Type declaration

    • (enabledTracks: TrackContext[], disabledTracks: TrackContext[]): void
    • Currently, this event is only emitted when DisplayManager in RTC Engine is enabled and simulcast is disabled.

      Emitted when priority of video tracks have changed.


      • enabledTracks: TrackContext[]

        list of tracks which will be sent to client from SFU

      • disabledTracks: TrackContext[]

        list of tracks which will not be sent to client from SFU

      Returns void

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