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Consumes a remote RTSP stream (e.g. from an IP camera). The RTSP component initializes communication by connecting to a remote source and requesting its stream.

Supports H264 streams only.

Read more about RTSP here.



  • RTSP component always outputs H264 stream so if the Room in which the RTSP component is created enforces a video codec, it must be set to H264. See API for more information.

Configuration options


  • sourceUri (string) - URI of RTSP source stream, e.g. "rtsp://"


  • rtpPort (integer 1..65535, default: 20000) - Local port RTP stream will be received at

  • reconnectDelay (integer 0.., default: 15000) - Delay (in ms) between successive reconnect attempts

  • keepAliveInterval (integer 0.., default: 15000) - Interval (in ms) in which keep-alive RTSP messages will be sent to the remote stream source

  • pierceNat (boolean, default: true) - Whether to attempt to create client-side NAT binding by sending an empty datagram from client to source, after the completion of RTSP setup

Env variables

  • FJ_COMPONENTS_USED - has to contain rtsp if RTSP components will be used.
    By default set to an empty string (RTSP components are disabled).
    Refer here for more info.

Example Docker commands


If the client is behind NAT, the option --network=host is necessary since Docker can change the source port of UDP packets for routing reasons, which breaks the pierceNat functionality.

This means that users on macOS will most likely be unable to access any RTSP stream source outside of their network when running Fishjam using Docker.

If you're on macOS and want to receive RTSP streams from behind NAT, right now the only way is to build Fishjam natively from source.

Explicit port exposure (macOS compatible)

docker run -p 20000:20000/udp \
-p 8080:8080/tcp \
-e FJ_HOST=localhost:8080 \

Make sure that the exposed UDP port matches the one used by the RTSP component (option rtpPort, default: 20000).

If using multiple RTSP components, more ports will need to be exposed.

Using host network (Linux only)

docker run --network=host \
-e FJ_HOST=localhost:8080 \