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Version: 0.6.3

Releasing Fishjam

To release Fishjam Media Server perform the following steps:

  1. Bump Fishjam Version
  2. Prepare release candidate and deploy Jellyroom using the newest Fishjam version.
  3. Ensure that Jellydashboard works with the newest Fishjam.
  4. Prepare release notes. Split features from bugfixes and mark breaking changes accordingly.
  5. Create and push a new tag on GitHub.
  6. Create a new release on GitHub with previously prepared release notes. Don't use auto-generated release notes.
  7. Release new versions of server SDKs.
  8. Optionally, release new versions of client SDKs.
  9. Release new version of documentation. Include new release notes and bump docker image version in examples.
  10. Announce release (Elixir Forum, Discord, Twitter, etc.).