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Version: 0.6.3 (experimental)


This deployment guide is experimental and may not reliably work each time or for every user. We came across issues when deploying to, which may render your application not behaving as expected. You can learn more about the problems we came across in the deploying section is the go-to platform for deploying Phoenix apps. This guide will help you deploy Fishjam server on

First, we recommend you read the speedrun for deploying an app. uses fly.toml files for configuring an app. You can start from our fly.toml sample file:

kill_signal = "SIGTERM"
kill_timeout = 5
processes = []

FJ_PORT = "4000"
FJ_WEBRTC_TURN_IP = "<ip obtained with fly ips allocate-v4>"
FJ_WEBRTC_TURN_LISTEN_IP = "fly-global-services"

auto_rollback = true

http_checks = []
internal_port = 4000
protocol = "tcp"
script_checks = []
hard_limit = 1000
soft_limit = 1000
type = "connections"

force_https = true
handlers = ["http"]
port = 80

handlers = ["tls", "http"]
port = 443

grace_period = "1s"
interval = "15s"
restart_limit = 0
timeout = "2s"

internal_port = 50000
protocol = "udp"

port = 50000

Creating new app

Launch fly launch. When prompted, copy the configuration from the existing fly.toml file.

Select appropriate app name and region, don't create any databases. Don't deploy the app just yet.

Running fly launch may modify the Dockerfile. Make sure to remove the lines appended by flyctl.

Configuring the App

Before deploying your app, make sure it is correctly configured.

Dedicated IPv4

In order to transmit multimedia via UDP, the app has to be publicly available with an IPv4 address. By default uses shared IP. To enable dedicated IPv4 address run

fly ips allocate-v4

Note, that dedicated IP address is a paid feature on

You can learn more about dedicated IPv4 address here.


Make sure you don't have the following lines in the fly.toml, which are automatically generated by fly launch.

You don't need to run migrations, since you don't have a database.

release_command = "/app/bin/migrate"

Fishjam uses FJ_HOST variable instead of the default PHX_HOST.


Also, make sure you have set the correct port. The environment variable FJ_PORT has to match the TCP internal_port defined under services section. The default for Fishjam is 5002 in development and 8080 in production (when using Docker or mix release).

To be able to receive and send UDP traffic, Fishjam has to open its UDP ports on a special fly-global-services address, not

This must be set using the FJ_WEBRTC_TURN_LISTEN_IP enviroment variable. You also need to specify the Fishjam IP address for UDP, it is the IP address which you generated in the previous step.

FJ_WEBRTC_TURN_LISTEN_IP = "fly-global-services"

You can also read tutorial for running apps which use UDP. secrets

There are environment variables, which you may not want to keep in the fly.toml config. provides a way to store such values securely.

For Fishjam you need to configure just one secret - FJ_SERVER_API_TOKEN.

flyctl secrets set FJ_SERVER_API_TOKEN=development


With everything configured you can deploy the app

fly deploy

Note that it may take a moment for the UDP traffic to be forwarded to the application. This means for example, that WebRTC may not be working yet.

This is the tricky part of the deployment, which we weren't able to entirely figure out. Sometimes the UDP just works, others it takes ages for it to start flowing. This topic describes the exact issue we had with

In general, it is unclear when the UDP traffic starts to be forwarded, sometimes it happens relatively quickly after deployment, sometimes you need to wait for some time.

Also, the documentation isn't clear in regard to opening UDP sockets. Some information was gathered experimentally, or based on community questions, such as this one.