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Version: 0.5.0

API Reference

Jellyfish API is composed of three layers

  • a REST API for managing Jellyfish state
  • a WS connection for client SDK communication (socket path /socket/peer)
  • a WS connection for server notifications (socket path /socket/server)

You can find them here:

The communication via WebSockets uses Protobuf format. The very first message that has to be sent on either of the WebSocket connections (peer to Jellyfish or your_backend_server to Jellyfish) is AuthRequest. All supported messages are listed in the Jellyfish protos repo.

If you want to create your own Jellyfish SDK, the easiest way to reference defined protobuf messages will be by adding protos to your git repository as a git submodule. You can do it with this command:

git submodule add

You could also consider creating a script that will pull the newest changes from the git submodule and compile .proto files to your chosen programming language. For reference, see the script used in our Elixir SDK.