Fishjam Client
Changes severity level of debug logs
Creates an audio track utilizing device's microphone.
Creates a screen track recording the entire device's screen.
Creates a video track utilizing device's camera.
Disables track encoding so that it will be no longer sent to the server.
Enables track encoding so that it will be sent to the server.
Leaves the room. This function should be called when user leaves the room in a clean way e.g. by clicking a dedicated, custom button disconnect
. As a result there will be generated one more media event that should be sent to the RTC Engine. Thanks to it each other peer will be notified that peer left in {@link MessageEvents.onPeerLeft},
Removes an instance of local track from the client.
Updates maximum bandwidth for the given simulcast encoding of the given track.
Sets track encoding that server should send to the client library.
Updates maximum bandwidth for the track identified by trackId. This value directly translates to quality of the stream and, in case of video, to the amount of RTP packets being sent. In case trackId points at the simulcast track bandwidth is split between all of the variant streams proportionally to their resolution.
Updates the metadata for the local peer.
Updates the metadata for a specific track.